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Your Junior-Year Calendar Checklist for College

You made it! Welcome to your junior year of high school!

This is a big year for you! You’ll be narrowing your college search, taking standardized tests, and learning more about scholarships and financial aid. We know: it’s a lot to take in! No worries; the Culinary Institute of America has got your back with this, your junior-year calendar checklist for college. We’ll help keep you organized and set you up for success.

September: Stay on Track

Meet with your guidance counselor to discuss the different majors that can help you achieve your dream career. Talk to them about the year ahead and confirm that you’re on the right track for college admission.

September: Stay on Track - Student and Staff

Make a potential list of colleges you’re interested in learning more about. Then, attend college fairs and speak to the colleges’ representatives.

October: Start Your College Search - Students and Staff

November: Get a Taste

Come get a taste of CIA firsthand! A visit to CIA is unforgettable—from the kitchens to the dorms to the food. Sign up for a campus tour!

November: Get a Taste - Visit Campus with a Campus Tour

December: Stay Involved

Take on more responsibility in your extracurricular activities or part-time job. Keep a record of your accomplishments, activities, and work experiences. This will be an important part of your college application.

December: Stay Involved - Student and Sting at a CIA soccer Game

January: Practice at Home

Check out these online resources—how-to videos, amazing recipes, and interesting food stories to keep you learning, cooking, and enjoying food at home.

January: Practice at Home - Student in the Kitchen

February: Get Prepared

Schedule your test dates and begin getting ready for the ACT and SAT. CIA does not require these test scores for admission, but be sure to send them in anyway, because they may help you qualify for merit scholarships.

March: Make Connections

Continue building relationships with your teachers this year, as they are who you’ll most likely ask for a letter of recommendation for your application for admission. If you know a CIA graduate, ask them for a letter of recommendation to receive a $1,000 Alumni Referral Scholarship.

March: Make Connections - Student at CIA Career Fair

April: Get to Work

Apply for a summer internship or job. Work a summer job to gain experience, build a résumé, and save money for college.

April: Get to Work - Food Photography

May: Funding Your Education

Gather information about financial aid from colleges you’re interested in. CIA is committed to helping you receive the best financial aid package available. Be sure to check out additional scholarships on our exclusive $hef website, a database of more than 200 scholarship opportunities for admitted and enrolled students to apply for.

May: Funding Your Education - Student Scholarships

Start to narrow down your list of potential colleges. Make sure you have all of the information you need and compare the schools by looking at the factors most important to you.

July: Visit Campus

Visit campus for a day to get a sneak peek at what makes CIA the perfect place for you! Can’t make it to an Open House? Visit our website to see our full list of admissions events, including online open houses and campus tours. No matter when you plan to attend, we’ll work with you to make your visit experience the very best.

August: You’re a Senior!

You’ve made it to your senior year of high school—yay! Stay on top of your studies and start applying to colleges. But also remember to really enjoy your last year at the school that helped shape you into the person you are today.

August: You’re a Senior! - CIA Student Jumping in front of Roth Hall