CIA Alumni
Chef Molly Brandt is a consulting chef based in Miami, FL, and is the development chef for Virgin Voyages, Sir Richard Branson’s first cruise ship line with stops in the Caribbean. She is also the founder and chef at Cook in the Kitchen, with an Instagram account @cookinthekitch.
Molly was not always going to be a chef; indeed she didn’t start cooking until she was 21. After graduating from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Molly sought help in finding the best career match for her interests and talents. A career profile test revealed that she might make a good chef. And after reading the book, The Making of a Chef by Michael Ruhlman, Molly decided that the CIA was where she was meant to go. A stellar student, Molly wished to extend her learning opportunities and stayed on another year as a Teaching Assistant in the Escoffier Restaurant. Her first job after graduation was in China, promoting dinners for Italian company DreamItaly that was promoting its luxury travel tours in Beijing and Shanghai. Back across the ocean again, Molly ended up in New York City working at Café Boulud—her toughest job to date. By now, feeling confident in her skills, she and her mother started Flavors of Italia—providing villa vacation packages that included Molly as the chef. Next came her successful catering/personal chef business called Cook In The Kitchen, with an Instagram account, @cookinthekitch.
After winning the Royal Caribbean International competition, Molly traveled to Florida to join the crew of Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas. By the time she had been with the company 10 days, she had developed a completely new menu for the Oasis’ 150 Central Park, which she then implemented before she transferred over to her job on the brand spanking new Allure of the Seas.
In April 2013, Molly moved north and became the executive chef at CM Gourmet Market and Bistro in Westport, CT. The next year, Molly moved back to the sunshine state and was executive chef at The Raleigh Hotel/Restaurant Michael Schwartz.
In August 2019, Molly was a contestant on the premier episode of Supermarket Stakeout, the new Food Network competition show. Molly won the challenge with her fried chicken with hot honey bacon drizzle.
With all that talent and drive, the world is her oyster and Molly will bring all of her energy and passion to bear on any project she undertakes.
Chef Molly Brandt majored in culinary arts at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. She is a consulting chef and development chef for Virgin Voyages.