Accepted Student Day

Join Us for Accepted Student Day at CIA

Once you’ve been accepted to CIA, the next step is Accepted Student Day!

It’s a great—and fun—way to get a taste of life at the college, become more familiar with the campus, and find more about what awaits you when you become an official CIA student.

We have accepted you, now let us welcome you! This is an event you do not want to miss—or you might face serious FOMO.

Choose from four Accepted Student Days where you can:

  • Meet your future classmates. (Some students even meet their future roommate here!)
  • Get the inside scoop from current CIA students.
  • Talk to your CIA success team—including faculty members, advisors, club leaders and RAs.
  • Experience a tasting reception like no other, CIA style.
  • Tour campus and even get a sneak peek at a CIA dorm room!
  • Enjoy a special appearance by a CIA graduate! (Major social media content for you foodies, just sayin!)

Parents and guardians are invited too! Participate in a customized session just for you.

A person in a yellow and black bee costume pointing forward, standing against a green background. The costume has "CIA" written on the chest. The text on the image reads, "WE WANT YOU at Accepted Students Day!" A TikTok logo is visible with the handle @ciaculinary.
A person is smiling and holding up a white frame with the text "#IdecidedCIA" at the bottom. They are standing in front of a gray building with windows, celebrating their Accepted Students Day.
A young woman holding a pennant that reads "Culinary Institute of America" stands smiling in front of a building with green and white signage that reads "IS LIFE." The building, bustling with energy from Accepted Students Day, has a large silver sculpture to the right of the woman.