Parents of Current CIA New York Students

Greetings Parents and Families!

The support of your student’s journey is an essential ingredient for success. As we tell the students often, your mise en place, a French term meaning everything in its place, in the kitchens and classrooms (their workspace), residence halls (their living space) and self-care (their space) is paramount to their independent thinking and creative development. As parents, family, and friends you will contribute to your student’s college journey, and we want to be sure that you do not miss opportunities to assist your student. Knowing important dates and communications will help you to stay connected to your student and to CIA. Our hope is this will serve as your journey’s mise en place.

Academic Calendar

  • At CIA, our academic calendar is structured into three semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer, each accompanied by dedicated intersession periods. These intersessions offer students valuable opportunities to rejuvenate and prepare for the upcoming semester. Learn more about the academic calendar.

CIA Career Fair

  • At CIA, we build food and hospitality careers exclusively for CIA students and grads. Each semester more than 100+ of the very best food, beverage, and hospitality companies attend the CIA Career Fair—looking to hire. Given our industry reputation (and that of our alumni), the employers and the job opportunities come to your student, not the other way around. That’s the CIA advantage. Learn more about how your student’s career can launch at CIA’s Career Fair.

CIA Commencement

CIA Student Conduct

  • To learn more about the academic rules and regulations or student affairs policies visit out Student Code of Conduct.

Privacy of Student Records

  • The Culinary Institute of America takes seriously the confidentiality of personally identifiable information (PII) of all our constituents including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, visitors, vendors, and more.

    The privacy of student records is protected by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This means CIA is prohibited from providing information from a student’s Education Record without the student’s written consent unless such disclosure is permitted under FERPA—most commonly directory information.

    Students have been informed, and are reminded annually, that only they can grant parents and others access to their CIA records. Feel free to share this link with your student to grant us permission. Review CIA’s full FERPA Policy (PDF) for more details.

Frequently Asked Quesitons

Center for Career and Academic Advising

What services are available in the Center for Career and Academic Advising?
  • Career and Academic Advising
  • Transfer Credit Services
  • International Student Services
  • Student Work Programs
  • Career Services/Externships
  • Advising Plus—Student Advisor Program
What is the registration process?
All students begin to plan their courses, in Student Planning, around the third week of the semester. The priority registration period begins immediately following the student planning process. All students are provided a priority registration date that they can access in Student Planning. Students will be expected to register on their assigned priority registration date.
What if my student does not get the classes they want?
Students should reach out to the career and academic advisor to discuss other course options. Students should also continue to check the schedule as additional sections might be added or seats might become available. All students will have the opportunity to start their core lab requirements within their first three semesters of enrollment. This does not include if there are disruptions to their studies (such as withdrawals, leave of absence, failures, etc.).
Does my student have an academic advisor?
Yes, every student has a career and academic advisor. The student can find the contact information on the student portal.
Are online courses available in all subject areas?
No, most of our courses are in a laboratory or classroom environment. Some lecture courses are delivered as hybrid courses which means it is both online and in-person. We do have some online sections for lecture courses.
Are there international externship sites?
Yes, students will need to familiarize themselves with any language and/or travel documentation requirements (passport, visa, etc.).
How do students find CIA-approved externship and internship sites?
All students have access to Culinary Connect, CIA’s database of approved externship/internship sites, which also houses all job opportunities for students and graduates.
Are students only able to apply to Externship sites that come to Career Fair?
No, CIA’s database of approved Externship/Internship sites includes 3,500+ domestic and international externship opportunities. If a student has a specific site that is not included in our database, they should reach out to their advisor. Sites are approved by faculty.

Dining Services

Can my student receive a refund for points not used by their expiration date or can my student opt out of the CIA Meal Plan?
The board fee, encompassing the CIA Meal Plan at CIA, is a mandatory component for all students attending CIA and is non-refundable. This policy is outlined in detail within the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook. The CIA Meal Plan operates on a points system, with allocations determined by the number of “class days” as outlined in the Academic Calendar.
Can you accommodate my student’s dietary restrictions?
Yes. Special accommodations for dietary and health allergen needs are managed and documented by the Learning Commons Department. From there a student meets with Dining Services management to determine how best to accommodate the restriction within the meal plan structure.

Disability Support

Is there an Office of Disability Services?
Yes. Each campus has a disability specialist who will work with your student to develop an accommodation plan. Documentation is required.
What are the library and tutoring center resources available to my student?

The Library Learning Commons is the Hub of academic support on all three campuses. The Library Learning Commons space offers:

  • Individual and group study areas
  • Tutoring and mentoring services
  • Kitchen space to practice knife cuts and piping skills
  • Disability services
  • Learning, studying, test prep, and time management strategies
  • Library research assistance
  • Workshops

Zen Den

The overall goal of our resources and support is the success and retention of our students, while developing excellence, leadership, professionalism, ethics, and respect for diversity in our student body. The Zen Den is an inclusive space, on the fourth floor of the Conrad N. Hilton Library where students can relax and decompress. The Zen Den includes self-led activities such as fidget toys, coloring books, puzzles, a tea station, and more.

Residence Life and Housing Operations

Does my student need to complete a housing application each semester?
A student will need to complete a housing application only if they are:
  • A new student
  • An associate graduating student who enrolls in the bachelor’s program
  • A student returning from a semester away
  • A student returning from extern or stop-out
Does my student need renter’s insurance?
Students are not required to carry their own personal property insurance. However, CIA encourages students to consider carrying their own personal property insurance.
Does CIA offer storage for student belongings?
While CIA does not provide on-campus storage facilities, there are several convenient storage solutions available in the surrounding area. Please feel free to explore these providers for your storage needs.
What can I do if my student has a roommate conflict?
Advise your student to speak with their Resident Assistant (RA), Resident Director (RD), or Area Coordinator.
How can I send mail to my student?
All letters and packages must be addressed using the format below. This includes outgoing and incoming parcels and letters as well as any online purchases delivered to CIA. Name (as recorded with the Registrar’s Office) The Culinary Institute of America 1946 Campus Drive Hyde Park, NY 12538

Student Counseling and Psychological Services

Are counseling and psychological services available to students?

Students seeking emotional support for themselves should contact the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Office to request an appointment with a counselor.  The CAPS office can be reached at 707-967-2443 or by email at: [email protected]. Campus Safety is also a resource for students and is available to help any time day or night. Campus Safety can be reached at 707-548-2478.

Where should my student go if they need emotional support?
Students seeking emotional support for themselves should contact Counseling and Psychological Services to request an appointment with a counselor. Campus Safety is also a resource for students and is available to help any time day or night. Campus Safety can be reached at 845-451-1268.
Resources for Parents

Student Health Services

What services does Student Health Services Provide?

In person and virtual visits for sick care, annual wellness and preventative exams, sports physical exams, management of acute and chronic health issues. Cuts and burn care, suturing, treatment of minor illnesses and minor injuries, providing allergy/Depo-Provera/vitamin B12 injections, hormone injections, administering vaccines, and dispensing over-the-counter medications as needed. Learn more about Student Health Services.

Is student health insurance required?
Yes, CIA has incorporated a mandatory student health insurance plan renewable on an annual basis. The plan is offered to all domestic and international full-time students. Domestic students may waive out of the health insurance plan by providing proof of current, comparable health insurance coverage through a family or individual plan. International students are not eligible to opt out and must enroll in the plan offered by CIA. Cost of insurance for students starting in the Spring or Summer semester will be pro-rated accordingly. For more details about coverage and enrollment, please contact Haylor, Freyer & Coon at 1-866-535-0456 or email [email protected]. Students taking the Global Cuisines and Cultures trip are encouraged to review international travel insurance options.
What if my student requires more comprehensive medical care?
Student Health Service staff works closely with providers in our local area. The clinical staff can provide referrals to off-campus primary care providers, specialists, dentists, optometrists, etc. when necessary. Staff can also refer students to local urgent care centers and emergency rooms if further emergent evaluation is needed.
Who is available for medical assistance after hours?
Our Safety Department is available after hours, nights and weekends and for emergencies. They can be reached at 845-451-1268.
Where can my student get a prescription filled?

Parents/students may set up an account with our local CVS or Molloy Pharmacy. Molloy Pharmacy will deliver prescriptions directly to the on-campus Health Services Office. Deliveries are made daily during the week and are available for pick-up from the nursing staff during regular office hours. A photo ID will be required when picking up any prescription. All billing will go directly through the pharmacy and will need to be established prior to delivery.

CVS Pharmacy, 845-229-2224, Fax: 845-229-8948.
Molloy Medical Arts Pharmacy, 845-471-7455, Fax: 845-473-6337.

Important Upcoming Dates

Reminders and Important Ways You Can Help

Every new student has an online orientation scheduled for their first semester. The online orientation covers topics such as digital literacy, how to register for classes, important college policies, how to navigate Moodle (course learning system), student code of conduct, food safety, and much more. Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the modules. This is an excellent opportunity for students as they transition to college and CIA.

Remind your student to sign up for Everbridge our CIA Emergency Notification System. For more information, visit

Fun Facts

  • At CIA, our academic calendar includes scheduled breaks for Spring, Summer, and Winter Intersessions. These intervals provide an ideal opportunity for students to unwind and rejuvenate before commencing the upcoming semester. Throughout the Summer and Winter Intersessions, it is important to note that our residence halls will be temporarily closed. Accordingly, all students are expected to vacate the campus during these periods. Rest assured, the residence halls will be securely locked and monitored, ensuring that students cannot access their rooms until the official reopening date. We will provide advance notices specifying the dates and times of closure to keep our students well-informed. Please encourage your student to look out for additional communications related to intersession closings as intersessions approach.
  • CIA partners with Barnes & Noble to offer our students an easily accessible shopping experience for all their needs! From essential course materials and textbooks to stylish apparel and spirit gear, cutting-edge supplies and technology, and even student must-haves—we’ve got you covered. Visit our delightful bookstore at Roth Hall or explore our online store to elevate your CIA experience!
  • Student leadership opportunities are the ideal complement to an education at CIA. Your student will have the chance to engage in various impactful roles, such as participating in student government, serving as a tutor, becoming a Resident Assistant, taking on the role of an Orientation Leader, joining the dynamic Welcome Team, contributing to the Busy Bees initiative, actively participating in clubs and organizations, leading tours, or embarking on a rewarding journey through our Earn & Learn program. Please encourage your student to take advantage of all CIA has to offer!
  • Show your appreciation for your student with our special Celebration Grams. Whether it’s a birthday, a “just because” moment, a congratulatory message, or a heartfelt “missing you” sentiment, we’ve got a Celebration Gram for every occasion you hold dear. Order your Celebration Gram today.
  • We can’t wait to welcome your student to the CIA alumni network—the food world’s most important and influential community. The industry needs your student now more than ever, and we know they will heed its call.

Important Phone Numbers

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The Culinary Institute of America